Friday, November 20, 2009

Prophetess or Foolishness?

I firmly believe in celebrating one's independence and understanding what life lessons were learned from situations endured, but Prophetess Juanita Bynum has gone over the loop with her antics. The pictures you are now viewing as you scroll up and down are of her 50th (I guess it was her 50th) birthday party where she looked very plastic and "super-hero-ish" in her two wardrobe changes. The first outfit was an all black, puffy sleeved dress adorned with a big pink bow and pictures of herself and family members along the bottom part of the dress. The second outfit was a very lavish beaded, lace wedding dress complete with a beaded headband and a silver sword. Oh, and she also announced that God had re-named her "Juanita Bynum the 2nd". I don't know about you guys, but this is an embarassing display of gaining victory over tribulation? Her outlandish T.V. appearances as the "victim" of her alleged domestic violence incident, causes me to question our revered prophetess. In comparision to Rhianna, Prophetess Juanita Bynum is acting rather strangely. Many statistics show that real victims of domestic violence are in shock, disbelief or in deep sorrow. There were those who criticized Rhianna for speaking out so late, but in actuality her time frame was rather correct of true victims. Once a victim of domestic violence has taken him/herself out of the situation and have moved into a circle of trust, it is then they realize their mistakes and may feel guilt & shame. I don't know if you guys watched the Good Morning America appearance with Rhianna, but her actions & words mirrored those of true, everyday victims. Prophetess Bynum on the other hand, came straight out speaking to various Christian & national media. She instantly became (and almost wanted to become) the poster child for domestic violence. She appeared on TBN and also was a mediator on Divorce Court. More recently, her birthday party attended by many other Atlanta gospel/ churchworld elite made her look terribly foolish. I was not in attendance, but from a source I heard that they were embarassed for her. Whatever impression the prophetess intended to make, it is almost certain, that it did not come across as she would have hoped. Plainly speaking, If I were not apart of the family of God, I would be extremely turned off and a bit skeptical of the God Juanita Bynum professes to hear from. I would ask questions like; 1) As a prophetess why didn't God give you a forewarning of the incident? 2) Why were you so public, so quick? 3) Have you forgiven Bishop Weeks? These are just some of the issues I personally have, I would like to know what you guys think? Sorry this Gossip Candee was so sour! Make it sweet.

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